Best Identity Theft Protection Services

Review & Comparison, Last Update July 5, 2024
Cybercrimes are getting more and more common in today's world and securing your personal information is not an optional task anymore. Take a look at these 5 identity theft protection services and make sure your private info stays private. ...Read more ...Read less
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BEST 2024
Family Coverage
Alert Types
Mobile App

All customers get guaranteed $1 million insurance that is paid out regardless of whether the company is at fault. Plus, you can sign up your whole family for a single plan, which makes it easier to manage finances and keep everyone safe.


The price is higher than most competitors and the support chat isn't always available.


You may spend a bit more on the IdentityForce services but you'll also get a broader range of features. The program lets you do credit checks, see if your neighborhood has any criminals or people on the sex offenders list, protect your accounts or even freeze them, and much more. A high-end choice for those ready to pay for impenetrable defenses.

detailed parameters
Family Coverage


Alert Types

Email; Text Message

Mobile App



The service arguably offers the most comprehensive financial reports among the competition and correlates its data with all major credit bureaus.


The actual identity protection is a bit sparse.


Despite offering amazing credit reports, the My FICO service does pretty modest work in identity protection. Your finances will be absolutely safe as the company encrypts all data and protects it well but it does comparatively little to protect your name, address, and other personal info. A good choice for financial issues but not the top pick for identity protection.

detailed parameters
Family Coverage

Not Available

Alert Types

Text Message

Mobile App



The service absolutely free credit checks with no catch at all. It keeps your data private and doesn't press you into paying for a higher tier of services.


The reported credit score may be a bit off-base.


While we found the free credit reports an amazing bonus, the support services were a bit disappointing and could use some work. The identity protection features are relatively good and quite reasonably priced though they lack a few points seen in the more expensive services. A solid middle-of-the-road choice for personal protection and financial issues.

detailed parameters
Family Coverage

Not Available

Alert Types

Emai; Text Message

Mobile App



The company covers all bases, cutting off new fraud schemes as soon as they appear. It's one of the few services to offer adequate protection against medical insurance scams, which are getting more and more popular.


You will have to freeze your bank account manually if thieves get through as the company doesn't have the authorization to do so.


One of the few services we've seen that offers actual 24/7 phone support and reacts to all suspicious activity diligently. We weren't too thrilled with the alert system and the program has fewer features than some expensive analogues. However, everything that the service advertises it does well and it's extremely budget-friendly, a good choice for identity protection.

detailed parameters
Family Coverage

Not Available

Alert Types

Website Only

Mobile App

Not Available


The free 30-day trial lets you evaluate the program's services and even test them. Plus, the free software protects your PC from keyloggers, viruses, and other hacker programs.


You'll have to alert the credit bureaus and your bank manually in case of fraud as the service doesn't do it for you.


A full protection suite that includes credit checks, tracking of your personal and financial data, and a set of software that keeps your PC safe from would-be hackers and thieves. The credit reports aren't as in-depth as we would've liked but the identity protection side of things is truly excellent and makes this service worth the already affordable price.

detailed parameters
Family Coverage


Alert Types

Text Message

Mobile App



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IdentityForce ID Protection Products & Coverage

A Watchful Personal Guardian

We all know what a pain insurance companies can be when it comes to payouts as they will find the tiniest fault possible to avoid giving you money. Thankfully, not all businesses act that way as the IdentityForce ID Protection offers $1 million in theft insurance and guarantees the payout no matter what. The company isn’t very likely to be at fault since it offers great security but it does have a stipulation that you get your payout even if you mess up and let some sensitive info slip into thieves’ hands.

But hold up, it’s too early to dream about a huge payout when the service offers full data protection. The IdentityForce comes with several plans including a family option that includes two parents and kids so you can keep everyone in the household safe. That’s particularly important as kids are often too trusting and, sadly, regularly end up victims of identity fraud. We did worry that signing the kids up won’t exactly prevent them from spilling the beans on their personal info to a stranger just because they were nice to the child. However, the IdentityForce’s algorithm is always vigilant and as soon as anybody else posts your info online, purchases anything, or even tries to ruin your credit, the service will send out an alert and do its best to block the action. It’s still important to have a talk with your kids on the subject of privacy and sharing information but the service is certainly a good barrier to have between your child and online dangers.

Review of IdentityForce ID Protection Products & Coverage

Keeping Credit Where It's Due

Most thieves target your credit card info and any related financial details to turn a quick profit, abusing so-called “pay day loans” and less than scrupulous banks. The Identity Force ID Protection keeps track of your credit score and monitors financial activity to make sure that not a single cent slips through the cracks. If anything happens, the company notifies you, your bank, and the appropriate authorities of the misconduct. You also get a quarterly credit report that goes in depth on every single charge to your account and overviews security issues.

The Identity Force ID Protection also offers some less common yet quite useful services such as the removal of all your email addresses from annoying mailing lists and offering access to the sexual offender registry and criminal record checks so you can make sure your neighborhood is safe for kids. Also, if you ever lose your wallet, you won’t have to make a hundred calls cancelling all of your cards, the company does it for you upon request.

Last but not least, you also get all the standard protective features with the company keeping your address, phone number, full name, and more safe and hidden away from would-be fraudsters. It’s a pretty comprehensive service and while it costs a bit more than usual you’re also getting a broader protection standard.

IdentityForce ID Protection Products & Coverage in the use

Like a Brick Wall

It’s tough to call any identity theft protection and insurance service watertight as criminals are finding new tricks every day and the risk is always there. However, the Identity Force ID Protection is being updated constantly and may just be your best bet in keeping personal info private. We really liked the extra features such as the sex offender registry parsing, the mailing list removal, and more. It does feel like the support options could have been broader especially since the rest of the service operates 24/7 no matter what and the availability of support is particularly important in a stressful situation that comes with your identity being stolen. Still, that’s a minor gripe against an excellent service and we do recommend turning to the Identity Force ID Protection if you want to keep your personal life safe.

Detailed review of IdentityForce ID Protection Products & Coverage


My FICO Identity Ultimate 3B

Every Cent Counts

Have a hunch that something shady might be going on with your finances? An easy way to make sure you’re not falling victim to fraud is to check your credit score and consult with a financial specialist. An even easier way is to do the same through your PC by using the My FICO Identity Ultimate 3B.

This service offers some of the most comprehensive and in-depth reports on all financial aspects of your life, checking more than your credit score and cooperating with the necessary agencies to ensure your financial stability.

However, this focus on the credit side of things does seem to come at the expense of a few other features. While the identity protection services are pretty broad at first glance, we quickly determined that they don’t go as deep as those offered by several other companies. You still get the lost wallet recovery as well as the personal information protection but not much beyond that. Also, the insurance seems to hinge entirely on any accidents being the company’s fault. So cases like lost credit cards or thieves getting your info through any other avenues aren’t covered. But if you’re careful with your info and only need a service to track your credit for any unforeseen cases, the My FICO Identity 3B is certainly a strong contender.

Review of My FICO Identity Ultimate 3B

Sound the Alarm!

We do have to commend the service’s alert system. While it may seem a bit overbearing if you frequently get false positives, it might just save your money one day. Once any suspicious activity is detected, the My FICO Identity 3B sends off several warnings to your dashboard on the site, to your phone, and to your bank. That way the activity gets monitored by the authorities and you’re immediately made aware so you can respond accordingly.

Older people and kids fall victim to fraud quite often so it’s recommended to protect not only your data but your family’s as well. However, the My FICO company doesn’t offer a family plan so you’ll have to sign up every member separately, which may take a while. Still, we’d say the security is worth some extra money and a few minutes out of your day.

We want to quickly reiterate just how comprehensive the credit checking system of the My FICO Identity 3B is as the service syncs with the three major credit bureaus and constantly updates the data so if there’s even a slight change you’ll be among the first to know. And, by the way, we don’t want to kick them while they’re down but after Equifax’s data breach many people lost their sensitive information that was stored with the company. The My FICO Identity 3B, though, is designed to combat that exact issue and stop data leaks from ruining your credit score or your life.

My FICO Identity Ultimate 3B in the use

An Electronic Financial Advisor

It wouldn’t be right to compare the My FICO Ultimate 3B directly to some of its competitors as this service is clearly focused on keeping track of your credit score and preventing financial fraud. However, it does offer some modest identity protection features even if they’re not as broad as they could be. If you want to make sure your finances are kept straight and your money is safe, the My FICO Ultimate 3B is a great choice. It has some of the most comprehensive credit reports and it’s much more convenient than hiring a financial consultant. Good middle-ground for those that want to keep their money safe without spending half of it on those same security measures.

Detailed review of My FICO Identity Ultimate 3B


Credit Sesame Free Identity Theft Protection

Too Good to Be True?

We firmly believe that safety from thieves and fraudsters should be available to everybody, especially in our dangerous times. That’s one of the reasons why we like the Credit Sesame Free Identity Theft Protection And Credit Checker.

The phrase “free credit report” sounds like a sure way to get yourself into a scam so we were very apprehensive at first but the Credit Sesame really does offer financial checks at no cost at all. However, the report obviously won’t be as comprehensive as a paid one and the company does offer paid tiers so you can get in-depth breakdowns of your credit score. Still, the free option is absolutely viable and safe to use, which is a huge plus. Using TransUnion data, the company offers a pretty thorough report though it does seem like a slight discrepancy is possible between the displayed score and the official FICO rating. It’s not too big and you’re not likely to spot the difference.

You might be wondering how all this goodness is possibly true. After all, most customers aren’t going to shell out hard-earned cash if they can get a similar service for free. Thankfully, the Credit Sesame doesn’t do anything shady with your private info like some companies tend to do. Instead, it simply puts a ton of ads on the site which, admittedly, are a bit annoying but not exactly a problem compared to the safety concerns at some other sites. In fact, those ads may be useful since they are tailored to you and show what kind of banks would be willing to give you loans and so on.

Review of Credit Sesame Free Identity Theft Protection

Security Stamp of Approval

If you’re among those willing to pay a little bit for the Credit Sesame services, you will get access to a $1 million insurance against identity theft as well as regular credit checks from all 3 major bureaus against a $50 thousand insurance and monthly check from one bureau on the free version. Plus, all those that upgrade to the paid tiers get 24/7 support to deal with lost wallets and identity fraud. A good solution for identity theft prevention is to always keep track of your finances and have professionals available to help you at all times so we do recommend getting that upper tier if you can afford it.

It’s still a bit disappointing that anything below Platinum level is not exactly effective at protecting your identity and other personal data. Sure, the soft credit checks won’t impact your financial situation but that’s not the only source of trouble on the internet as cyberthieves could be on the prowl for your credit card info at any moment.

The website itself, though, has multiple protection layers with safe connection at all times. It’s also certified by several cybersecurity firms, which is more than we can say for some of the alternatives. These stamps of quality guarantee that your data is in good hands with the Credit Sesame.

Credit Sesame Free Identity Theft Protection in the use

Room to Grow

It’s still hard for us to believe that there is a truly free credit-checking service out there that doesn’t scam you in any way but facts are facts. Sure, the company could certainly improve customer service, namely by offering phone support, and the protection services require payment and aren’t as deep as those that competitors provide. But you get quite a lot of information without paying a dime and that certainly makes the Credit Sesame a valuable tool that’s available to all. It’s not exactly on par with the expensive identity protection services you may get elsewhere but that isn’t what the company’s aiming for in the first place.

Detailed review of Credit Sesame Free Identity Theft Protection


Intelius Identity Protect

Your Path to Recovery

Methods of fraud are expanding every day with criminals unafraid to try new things while the identity protection services are struggling to catch up. Luckily, some companies are hot on the fraudsters’ heels and use fresh methods to keep you safe. Among those is the Intelius Identity Protect, a service that tracks your social security and medical insurance. That watchfulness prevents would-be thieves from scamming thousands in “medical expenses” and leaving you with the bill.

Still, many companies seem to think that their defenses are impenetrable and only offer the base course of services, which doesn’t feel like enough. Conversely, the Intelius Protect provides an identity restoration package that includes $1 million insurance as well as all the necessary documents and contact numbers. That kind of recovery kit saves you plenty of stress as you just follow the company’s instructions to get your life back into your own hands and away from the criminals.

It is a shame, though, that the Intelius Identity Protect doesn’t have the authorization to freeze your account once suspicious activity is spotted. The service only has permission to send out an alert to you and your bank but the rest is up to you. Though this might actually be good as some competitors tend to be overly protective and shut down your credit card at the slightest unusual expense from you. The Intelius Protect leaves the choice up to you so your money is truly in your hands and not controlled by a third party.

Review of Intelius Identity Protect

No Gaps in Security

Of course, true protection of your financial stability isn’t possible without an in-depth look into your finances. The Intelius Identity Protect provides thorough credit checks, using data from all three major bureaus and compiling it to reflect any expenditure and suspicious activity. You can track instances of attempted fraud to see the weak spots in your security or, if everything’s calm on that side of things, simply look into your credit score and see how well you’re doing financially.

One particular flaw that the Intelius shares with many of its competitors is the lack of family coverage. All services out there should take note: we want to keep ourselves safe and we want to keep our relatives safe. It’s strange that so many companies don’t have the option for you to pay more and get all-in-one coverage of the whole household.

The Intelius doesn’t just take the bad from its analogues though as the company also offers removal from mailing lists and phone and email 24/7 support. It may not seem like much but these two small features are actually some of the most used. The former rids of you of annoying spam mail and the latter extends a helping hand that you can rely on in a crisis at any time of day.

Intelius Identity Protect in the use

A Budget-Friendly Finance Protector

It may not boast as many features as some of the more expensive analogues but the Intelius Identity Protect is more than adequate at keeping your private info safe. The service actually offers 24/7 support to all customers via phone and email, helping you quickly deal with any issues. However, the company doesn’t have the clearance to freeze your account even in the case of criminal activity so you only get a warning and have to finish the job yourself. Still, it’s always vigilant and spots all types of attempted fraud and data leaks. The Intelius Identity Protect may be just what you need if you want a more affordable way to keep your identity safe from criminals.

Detailed review of Intelius Identity Protect


Identity Guard Identity Theft and Credit Protection

Try It Then Buy It

It can be tough to just put your trust in an identity protection service. After all, once you sign up for it, your safety and financial stability rest on the shoulders of that one company. So it’s nice to have services like the Identity Guard Protection offering absolutely free trial months. You can take time to familiarize yourself with the company and make sure that the services provided are sufficient to make you feel safe. But before you dive in headfirst, let’s just quickly see what you can expect from the Identity Guard Protection.

First off, we’d be wrong not to mention the fact that the Identity Guard is one of the few services to actually offer full family coverage for an additional fee. Children are some of the most frequent victims of fraud and it’s puzzling why this feature isn’t available from more companies. The IG Protection seems to put your family’s security first at all times.

You also get the standard array of convenient features such as removal from mail lists, credit checks, and email support. However, the company doesn’t offer 24/7 phone support, which is a bit disappointing since it’s much faster than email as a way of resolving security issues. You do get the phone lines open for 15 hours every weekday so it’s not like that avenue is completely cut off.

Review of Identity Guard Identity Theft and Credit Protection

A Friend in Need

Nobody likes to even entertain the possibility of criminals winning and getting to your money and identity even through all the protection layers. However, these things happen and a good service will have plans in place to resolve that particular situation. The Identity Guard sends out text message alerts at the slightest suspicion of foul play so you can be up to speed. But while we like that aspect, we’re a bit surprised that the service does not alert credit bureaus or other authorities, which would then have the means to investigate further.

One cool feature that we haven’t spotted anywhere else is the $2000 emergency cash fund. The company guarantees this sum to you for cases like lost wallets or frozen accounts. That way you aren’t left without a penny in your pocket just because some criminal tried to hack into your bank account or pocketed your wallet.

Last but not least, the Identity Guard, of course, keeps track of your social security number, medical insurance data, loan and lease documents, and much more. It’s a pretty extensive area to cover if you want full protection but the company seems to do it just fine. The service doesn’t offer access to the sex offenders registry, which a few of the competitors do, but you can still check criminal records so you’ll always know if the people you’re dealing with are trustworthy.

Identity Guard Identity Theft and Credit Protection in the use

Automatic Guardian

It’s easy to see how the Identity Guard stands out from the crowd thanks to its protection software that keeps data on your PC safe from keyloggers and viruses. That more than compensates for the modest alerts and the lack of 24/7 phone support, at least in our eyes. Other than that, the Identity Guard Credit Protection services are quite sensibly priced and not far behind the expensive competitors aside from a few small gripes. If you want to make sure the sensitive data on your computer is safe but aren’t good with technology, we definitely recommend getting the Identity Guard software. It’s one of the easiest ways to prevent fraud and identity theft.

Detailed review of Identity Guard Identity Theft and Credit Protection



Comparison of Identity Theft Protection Services

What Is an Identity Theft Protection Service?

Every time a new piece of technology appears, you can be certain that it somehow opens up a new avenue for unscrupulous people to get to your private information. That includes social security numbers, credit card info, and much, much more. For all you know, your precious phone could be leaking data right now and that’s no good. Which is exactly why you (and, really, everybody everywhere) needs a way to keep personal information private. The companies we’re talking about today offer protective measures that will prevent thieves from gaining access to your data, whether they try to hack your phone, PC, or any of the gadgets you usually use. You may think you safe but data breaches are terrifyingly common and once a thief has your personal info, they may as well have the keys to your whole life. Your credit could be ruined, medical insurance scammed for thousands of dollars, and your home mortgaged. This is definitely a case of “an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of the cure” and we recommend acting now because you never know when the thieves hit. While there are ways to tell if you’ve fallen victim to these crimes, it’s best to just prevent them altogether.

Since we’re on the subject of financial responsibility, don’t forget to check your status by using credit report services. And if you’re an entrepreneur, safeguard yourself even further by using confidentiality agreement forms to keep your dealings private.

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Publish Date: 2018-07-09 13:44:12