Product Comparison: Flowtron FC-8800 vs Flowtron BK-80D

General Specifications
About the Product
Flowtron electronic fly control devices combine ultraviolet black light energy with exclusive reflector panels and a special fly attracting pheromone (sex lure) to provide powerful fly control units that are ecologically safe, effective and economical to operate.
Rid your outdoor living areas of flying insect pests - without harming the environment! Insect remains, uncontaminated by pesticides, fall to the ground to be naturally reabsorbed into the ecosystem. Maintenance free operation features UV light and an electrified grid that eliminates thousands of flying pests for just pennies a day.
Key Specs
Coverage Area
Indoor: 2000 sq.ft., Outdoor: up to 2 acres
Outdoor: 1.5 acre
120 watts
80 watts
Bulb Type
Three high-intensity 40-watt ultraviolet bulbs
Two 40-watt, high-intensity, "U" shaped, ultraviolet (black light) bulbs BF-150
Mosquitoes, Biting flies, Asian beetles, Wasps, Hornets, Yellow jackets, Moths
Flies, Moths, Mosquitoes
What customers say about "Key Specs"
Flowtron FC-8800 Diplomat Fly Control Device
  • It is bright, I'd say 3-6 times brighter than any I've had in the past. It lights up the entire area in front of my garage, but with a soft light rather than a normal spotlight. Even though I had purchased a light for the outside of the garage, I never bothered putting it in.
  • It works. It is powerful, it draws in bugs for (literally) a mile or so, and it slowly clears your entire area of bugs.
  • I bought this after we had a flood. The mosquitos and other bug took over my farm and this machine has taken it spades. It the nuclear option of bug killers.
  • Weapon of Mass Destruction - this beast kills flying insects in massive amounts and I didn't even have to use those mosquito Octenol cartridges yet.
  • I presume that it takes quite a bit of electricity, especially since it needs to be on 24/7. However, if you want one this powerful . . . you have to pay the price. This isn't a design flaw, just a fact of life.
  • The bulbs don't last terribly long. The first bulb went out after about 8 months, and the rest followed shortly after.
Flowtron BK-80D Electronic Insect Killer
  • This is a year in a climate that destroys most outdoor items pretty quickly.
  • These items do an amazing job of keeping down the flying insect population on our property. I can read outdoors without constantly swatting away insects.
  • Living in Coastal SC I'm not sure how I lived out on my patio this long with the Flowtron BK-80D. Of course it runs 24/7 as instructed and now all neighbors want to sit out back in my yard evenings.
  • This is rather a powerful device however, according to County Rep is useless for mosquitos. I only bought this device for mosquitos.
  • Zapper was not very effective during the day, so plugged it into an outdoor dusk-to-dawn Christmas light timer (now we get year-round use from the timer).
Size & Weight
26.25 in.
18.5 in.
13 in.
11 in.
13 in.
11 in.
20 lb.
9 lb.
Weatherproof polycarbonate
Vertical mount only
Electrified Grid
AC Powered Grid 5,600 volts
AC Powered Grid: 3000V
Collection Tray
Power Cord
22 ft.
3 ft.
Glo-tube reflectors intensify blacklight radiation for enhanced luring power, Patented, high efficiency, vertical rod killing grid eliminates grid clogging, Controlled grid power provides sure, clean kills with no airborne contamination, Includes FREE fly sex lure (Pheromone), Sex lure increases effectiveness in attracting and killing house and garbage flies, No glue boards required
Patented, high efficiency, non-clogging killing grid, Transformer-powered Vertical Rod killing grid system, FREE USDA-tested Octenol mosquito attractant slow release cartridge
What customers say about "Features"
Flowtron FC-8800 Diplomat Fly Control Device
  • I removed the bottom altogether, so bugs just fall out into the grass under where I have it mounted. The ants take care of them anyway and I don't have to climb a ladder to empty it each time.
  • Just to give you an idea of how powerful the Flowtron Diplomat is, yesterday, I had a humming bird fly onto the grid and get reduced to a piece of charcoal. I figure that if the Flowtron can handle that, it can handle just about any insect on the planet. Well worth the price!
  • There is a tray at the bottom of the unit that holds about a gallon of dead bugs each morning and that doesn't mosquitos since they just explode when they hit the grid. I purchased two of these units and will be buying more for my other farm. I can now enjoy the outdoors again.
  • This Flowtron is heavy as it is big but it is well worth the money for the job that it does. The Flowtron has been working several weeks now for me with no problems and the catch pan is full of bugs every day.
  • Great mosquito killer , only problem is u have to blow the bugs out with a blower every nite, so it will work properly. Grid clogs up with dead bugs!
  • The grid is also loud - on a hot summer night after a good rain, you'll hear almost nonstop zapping, almost like popcorn popping. In a quiet setting, this might also be offensive to you or your neighbors.
Flowtron BK-80D Electronic Insect Killer
  • Just to be safe, we also put a weatherproof cord cover we use for chrismtas lights on the plug.
  • Not only does it meet all expectations but it’s a product that’s so well designed, so well built and that has features that are so awesome they literally put a smile on my face.
  • Even though this doesn't have this feature, I highly recommend this as it is really sturdy and works amazingly.
  • It comes assembled, includes the "mosquito attractant" cartridge, is built well, solid, and is sturdy and the safety features they advertise are absolutely true, no birds / little fingers / squirrels etc could fit through the small grates.
  • Cord is really short, if you don't have an outlet in your eave, order an outdoor extension cord.
Warranty / Certifications
Manufacturer warranty
1 year(s)
2 year(s)
Other Information
395.00 $
74.95 $
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