One-of-a-kind juicer that you don’t need to clean!

Last update January 30, 2018

We all know that eating healthy food is important but how many of us have managed to develop good habits and stick to them? Not a lot. You might find it weird but according to the statistics, the major reason why so many people give up following a healthy diet is the time and effort they need to put to clean leftover food and drinks. Most kitchen gadgets require thorough hand wash after each use, making simple food preparing a troublesome job. Not any more! Kickstarter has introduced a new cold press juicer that needs no cleaning at all and can bring you one step closer to healthy lifestyle. Created with consumers’ needs in mind, the JUSIR offers some undisputable advantages to all previous juicers. Let’s discover together what makes it so special on the market of kitchen appliances and what these advantages are.

The Power of Two Elephants 

Unlike traditional juicers that we’re all accustomed to, in order to extract juice from raw fruit and vegetables, the JUSIR uses a cold-pressing technique with incredible eight tonnes force which, if we compare, easily equals the size of two elephants. To be able to pack such immense force in a small unit the engineers have incorporated unique patented-pending leverage principle based upon torsion that makes it capable of reaching the yield of 8 tonnes power and squeezing juice out of the hardest vegetables and fruit within less than 90 seconds. Sounds too good to believe? There’s more to come! The juice produced by a cold press also has a better taste, doesn’t contain any pulp or bubbles and offers 50% more enzymes in a single glass.

Easy Breezy Maintenance 

In order to rid you of the need to clean the device, the JUSIR has been designed to work with its own unique packs that you can choose from two available types - for single or multiple-use, whichever option suits you better. The beauty of using individual packs is that you can create your own recipes every day (or even several times a day) and prepare juice for your family members from different ingredients according to their personal preferences. Using packs also means no mess, like in case with a conventional juicer, nor does it need cleaning, obviously. The JUSIR juicing bags are made of eco-friendly materials, which means, they comply with the highest quality standards, can be recycled without doing harm to environment or safely reused.

Considering all the said above, it’s hard to think of anyone who wouldn’t like to use the JUSIR. Not only can it save your precious time on cleaning and waiting, it can also help vary your menu, producing all sorts of juice variations with no bubbles or pulm but clear vitamins in liquid form. The JUSIR is very easy to look after, for all you need to do is simply change the packs. All the rest is done by the JUSIR itself. 

You absolutely need the JUSIR if you:

  • Don’t want to clean your juicer
  • Want it to work quietly
  • Want your juice to contain pure vitamins
  • Dream of tailoring your own juice recipes
  • Can’t afford to spend more than 90 seconds waiting
  • Are an environmentally-conscious person